Report Highlights ‘Atmosphere of Fear’ for Asian American Employees
A KQED article featured new research from the UCLA Center for…
The Lens: HIV Prevalence and COVID-19 Vulnerabilities
The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed concerns about social and structural…
Evaluating 2020 Census Data for L.A. County by Comparing Parcel-Based Housing Counts
The U.S. Census Bureau conducts an enumeration of the population…
South LA Decides: Child Data and Mapping Portal
This Child Data and Mapping Portal is designed to provide stakeholders…
California’s Asian Businesses Harder Hit by Covid, Survey Finds
Asian American small businesses in Southern California experienced…
Census reports declining population on L.A.’s Eastside, fueling undercount fears
Over the last two years, politicians, civic leaders and community…
Latino city in Arizona grew, but census says it shrank
A recent Los Angeles Times article reveals how Somerton, a city…
CNK Research Finds Census Inequity in L.A. County
The Census Bureau conducts an enumeration of the population every…
Ong on Uncertain Future of Korean Dry Cleaners
Research by CNK Director Paul Ong was recently highlighted in…
Despite protections, landlords seek to evict tenants in Black and Latino areas of South L.A.
Despite new anti-eviction rules passed in response to the novel…