A widening gap among Asian Americans
CNK Director Paul Ong was recently featured in a Los Angeles…
Ong on Increasing Asian American Representation in Biden Administration
CNK Director Paul Ong spoke to NBC News about his hopes for increasing…
Crisis to Impact: Reflecting on a Decade of Housing Counseling Services in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
National CAPACD, in partnership with the UCLA Asian American…
How Biden can undo the divisions Trump deepened in immigrant communities
CNK Director Paul Ong was recently featured in a NBC News article…
Nearly 25 Years Later, Alhambra Contemplates Affirmative Action Again
A recently released news article features research done by CNK…
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge Develops Online Anti-Racism Hub Focusing on Asian Americans
A new website known as the Movement Hub was developed…
‘Overlooked’: Asian American Jobless Rate Surges But Few Take Notice
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was recently featured…
Report shows impact of COVID-19 on Asian American labor force
Increasing difference in unemployment, jobless rates between…