
Ong’s Research on the Asian American Experience Highlighted
As a part of Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander…

Ong Highlights Economic Obstacles Facing Asian Americans
This past Wednesday, CNK research was cited in a USA Today…

A widening gap among Asian Americans
CNK Director Paul Ong was recently featured in a Los Angeles…

How Barriers at EDD Keep Already Vulnerable Californians From Their Benefits
In an KQED article, CNK Director Paul Ong was interviewed to…

On eve of Lunar New Year, COVID-19 pushes Chinatown businesses to the brink
A year since the coronavirus spread globally, many small business…

US Chinatowns struggling in pandemic
CNK Director Paul Ong was recently featured as a guest on The…

Chinatown Businesses Face a Particularly Brutal Winter
Weeks before the first reported U.S. case of Covid-19, the future…