UCLA Economic Letter for September 2020
The UCLA Economic Letter is the monthly communication of the…
Order to shorten 2020 census didn’t come from Census Bureau, watchdog says
The 2020 census has less than two weeks to finish collecting…
This is what could happen if the 2020 census fails to count everyone in the US
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was featured in a CNN…
Census response in poor and minority neighborhoods is undermined by coronavirus
A USA TODAY news article was released earlier today that found…
Lost Time in Census Count
The UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was recently featured…
Reliable, accurate and complete count for 2020 Census is at risk
UCLA study forecasts a severe undercount for people of color,…
In California, It Will Take More than a Parade to Save an Imperiled Census
On August 9, a New York Times article was released detailing…
Impact of coronavirus pandemic on U.S. Census 2020
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was recently featured…
The Next Disaster under COVID-19: Mass Evictions and Homelessness in Los Angeles
With the current rule halting evictions set to be lifted on August…
Webinar – Confronting COVID-19: The Toll of the Virus on LA’s Most Vulnerable Communities
COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted Los Angeles’ Black…