Entries by CNK Staff

U.S. Census deadline hangs in limbo

Adding to the long list of things affected by the pandemic is the U.S. Census. This year, Census officials said that they would not be able to do an accurate count by the December 31 deadline, so they asked Congress for an extension. However, the Trump administration turned around and ordered the count to stop […]

UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge Develops Online Anti-Racism Hub Focusing on Asian Americans

A new website known as the Movement Hub was developed by the UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge (CNK) to serve as a centralized platform to amplify on-the-ground activism and organizing by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The website offers resources for and by AAPI organizations to promote cross-racial unity. “It’s our hope that this site […]

California Neighborhoods and COVID-19 Vulnerabilities

Released earlier today, this new report by CNK consists of a series of policy briefs covering the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on neighborhoods throughout California. The project focuses on identifying the broad vulnerabilities to COVID-19 and their disparities across neighborhoods in California. For this analysis, the census tract is the basic unit of […]

‘Overlooked’: Asian American Jobless Rate Surges But Few Take Notice

UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was recently featured in a news article detailing how the coronavirus pandemic is taking a heavy economic toll on Asian American communities. Patrons refuse to buy from Asian-owned businesses, as racial and economic discrimination has intensified during COVID-19, becoming evident with comments from President Donald Trump referring to the pandemic […]

UCLA Economic Letter for September 2020

The UCLA Economic Letter is the monthly communication of the UCLA Anderson Forecast and the UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate. The Letter, sponsored by the Ziman Center’s UCLA Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Program in Real Estate, Finance and Urban Economics, provides new insights into the major economic and real estate concerns of the day in a […]

Inequality and COVID-19 Job Displacement

In collaboration with Ong & Associates, a new CNK report released today reveaks how the coronavirus pandemic has illuminated racial and socioeconomic disparities in the ongoing economic crisis and subsequent job displacements. This research brief, utilizing data from the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey, examines racial and social inequality in job displacement resulting from COVID-19 […]

Census response in poor and minority neighborhoods is undermined by coronavirus

A USA TODAY news article was released earlier today that found that among high concentrations of Black and Latino residents, response responses are drastically low due to limited internet access and disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The analysis does not include information the Census Bureau has gathered during a massive door-knocking operation currently underway. […]