Housing Insecurity Persists For Renters of Color Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
A newly released report, in conjunction with the UCLA Latino…

Evaluating 2020 Census Data for L.A. County by Comparing Parcel-Based Housing Counts
The U.S. Census Bureau conducts an enumeration of the population…

South LA Decides: Child Data and Mapping Portal
This Child Data and Mapping Portal is designed to provide stakeholders…

CNK Research Finds Census Inequity in L.A. County
The Census Bureau conducts an enumeration of the population every…

NEW: Prototype Transportation Disparities Mapping Tool
A recently released prototype mapping tool developed by the UCLA…

Despite improved access, digital divide persists for minority, low-income students
Our latest report, COVID-19 and the Digital Divide in Virtual…

Report: Schools should look for long-term solutions to digital divide
Our recently released report, COVID-19 and the Digital Divide…

Chinatown Businesses Face a Particularly Brutal Winter
Weeks before the first reported U.S. case of Covid-19, the future…

‘Ugly, Ugly Time’: Work-From-Home Era Crushes U.S. Dry Cleaners
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge was recently featured…

Using the Homeless to Guard Empty Houses
As the pandemic makes an already terrible housing crisis worse,…